Twitch guides

How to make a team on twitch: A quick guide

Steven Gannon

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Steven Gannon

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How to make a team on twitch:

If you have been streaming for a while on twitch, now it is the time to upgrade! Yup, we are talking about creating a twitch team. It’s one of the best ways to grow your channel & attract more subscribers.

If you are wondering how to make a team on twitch, we are here with the solution! In this simple guide on how to make a team on twitch, we will guide you with simple steps that you have to follow to create a team on twitch.

Let’s not waste more time & get started right away!

5-step guide on how to make a team on twitch?

how to make a team on twitch

Step 1: Sign into your Account

When creating a twitch team, you must choose a lead account. This account will be responsible for managing all the team-related tasks. So make sure you choose the right account.

Reason? Once an account is designated as a lead account or an owner, there is no way to change the ownership of the account as of now.

Step 2: Get in touch with the twitch support team.

As of now, there is no way to create a twitch team on your own. You will have to submit a request to twitch Customer Support regarding this.

You will have to submit a lot of other team-relevant details. The support team will create the team for you only after they validate all the details.

how to make a team on twitch

Step3: Collect & Submit necessary details to the Support team

Before creating a team for you, the twitch support team will need to validate some details about the team. These details include:

  1. The primary account that will manage the twitch team
  2. Team Page URL in this format:
  3. The team display name is a name that people will use to recognize your team.

Step4: Let the Support team create a team for you

Once you have submitted the request, there is nothing more that you can do on your end. All you have to do is wait for a brief period before the support team gets back to you.

Meanwhile, you can start working on your twitch team goals, what people you would like to have on your team & how you can expand your team.

Step 5: Start sharing team invitations.

The real job starts as soon as twitch support accepts your requests & creates a team for you. You need to expand your network & start sending joining invitations to others. You can reach out to your followers, relevant channels, featured channels & people you know and ask them to join your team.

Once the people start joining your team, your channel will become more popular, driving even higher traffic!

See? Creating a twitch channel is super easy. You can also check out this video guide from B42 Gaming for a better understanding.


How to make a team on twitch: 4 things to remember

While you might be too eager to create a twitch channel, here are a few points you should remember beforehand.

  1. You have to be a twitch Partner to create your team or join another team
  2. With great power comes great responsibilities! The same goes with twitch teams. You will have to put a lot of effort into managing the team
  3. You must have a certain goal behind you to create a twitch team.
  4. A partner can create only 2 teams at max.

Closing Remarks

We hope this guide on how to make a team on twitch has cleared all your doubts. Now go on, create your team & build a strong community!

Happy Streaming.

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